"Funny, that people are still publishing blog posts at this date and time. I thought everyone was busy wearing sequins. Also funny that I am neither. Not that sequins are my thing but I discovered that I am way too much in an exhausting phase of my life to like looking back on the last years. Like, when I was a teenager I used to get very excited about the change of years. I was finally allowed to be gone all night, party with friends and play the casual yet flirty girl everybody liked. But since I left school and went to University I am anxious about this day - today. I should be happily celebrating with my new friends from that ethnology class, cooking, drinking some wine, watching the firework and making out with that silent cute guy. That's not what my life looks like - at all. There are no close friends to hang out with. I have no idea how others manage to find people who are as scared and scary just as themselves. I just don't. Must I go back to wearing MakeUp on a daily basis? Is that how people find something interesting in me when I wear a mask? I mean it worked while I was young. Well maybe it is not that but that I got fat. My friends are strange, like really strange but that's okay. That is why they are my friends but everyone close is too far away or too busy or too incompatible with others. Am I alone with this situation? Is everyone in their (early) twenties all like #nonufriendzzzz . And if they are is it because they are too strange to find someone or are they really the popular kids? Not that it would matter to me. It wouldn't change anything but it would be nice to know you're not alone on this one.
Is it because I watched a Lena Dunham movie?"
Guten Rutsch, meine Kätzchen!
Dummerweise hat der Weihnachtsstress mein Immunsystem so weit heruntergefahren, dass ich direkt zu Silvester krank bin - schon wieder! Das kommt uns doch vom letzten Jahr bekannt vor?! Nächstes Jahr sollte ich hinsichtlich dessen bessere Vorkehrungen treffen. Viel Obst - wenig Auf-den-letzten-Drücker-Geschenke-besorgen. Naja, der Zug ist für dieses Jahr abgefahren.
Jetzt sitze ich hier, die Taschentücherbox ist leer, der Bauch voller Buchstabensuppe und es muss trotzdem an dem Brauch von letztem Jahr festgehalten werden. Wir haben unsere Wünsche für das kommende Jahr aufgeschrieben und an Raketen geklebt, die wir um Mitternacht in den Himmel schießen, damit das Universum sie auch ja hört. Bis dahin habe ich "Tiny Furniture" gesehen. Ein Film von einer Twen über Twens. Es ist spannend. Jede weiß was sie als Teenager zu tun hat, was erwartet wird. Aber mit zwanzig ist alles anders, nichts planbar oder absehbar. Ich glaube, es geht vielen so und vielleicht erkennt sich ja jemand in dem Text wieder. Lasst es micht wissen.
Viel Liebe
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